
Saturday, November 1, 2014


Happy Halloween - one day late! To be honest, I have never been that into Halloween, but now that we have kids, it has a whole new meaning. We took Ellis trick-or-treating to a few houses last year, but she was so little that she really didn't understand it and I doubt we even let her have much for candy at that age. This year she caught on real quick and she couldn't have been more thrilled to be getting treat after treat after treat! Pure joy, I tell you!

The kiddos had two sets of costumes this year. Ellis went as Miss Piggy (VERY fitting) and Lennon went as Kermit the Frog to the kids Halloween party at my work. I bought Ellis a princess crown at Target for $.99, made some pig ears out of foam and felt then sewed them onto the crown, made her a piggy nose out of a toilet paper roll and felt, bought her a boa and she wore a tutu she already had and a strand of fake pearls of mine. It was cheap and totally did the trick! For Lennon, I took a pair of Ellis' old white leggings that had a hole in the knee and a stain, a white stained onesie and two pairs of Lennon's white socks (one for his hands and one for his feet) and died them all green with Rit liquid dye. I cut green felt to make the scalloped pieces around his neck, feet, and hands and my super talented sister in law knitted him the most adorable frog hat (in one night)! Oh, how I love homemade halloween costumes!

It ended up being freezing on Halloween here in Wisconsin (surprise, surprise) so we went to plan B for costumes so we could incorporate coats. I ended up pulling out a bunny costume that my mom made me when I was little for Ellis and I put Lennon in a hand-me-down snow suit that just happened to be brown. I looked at them and thought..... hmmm.... this is totally Ralphie and Randy from A Christmas Story! We went with it! ;)