

About Me (Katie):

The short version:
I like to make things pretty.

The semi-long version in a random fact kinda way:
I am a mid-western graphic designer/video editor/event planner from 9 to 5 and a health enthusiast, muffin baker, wanna-be photographer, runner, freelance designer, wife, and mom all other hours of the day.

I was blessed with an abnormal energy level and a very strong will. I am known for always piling my plate too full and speaking my mind.

If I could do whatever I wanted all day long, I would thrift shop, brainstorm, create things, eat watermelon, and travel. I hate doing my makeup and hair and would wear flip flops and cotton dresses all day, everyday, if I didn't live where the freezing air hurts my face 75% of the year.

Nothing means more to me than my family and I 100% believe that children are the good stuff in life. (I know.... cliche, but oh so true.) My husband keeps me grounded and does a really great job at being married to me - trust me, it isn't easy.

I consider myself a 'glass half-full' type of person and strive to keep things in perspective.

Why I blog.
I started this blog when I got pregnant with my daughter as a way of sharing our lives with our friends and family both near and far. Since then, it has turned into a way for me to document our lives and share my creativity and passion for healthy living.  Sometimes I post every other day and other times I will not post for a month...or five. I want this blog to be fun for me, not just another thing to cross off my never ending to-do list.  If you read it, I hope you find some common ground and enjoy my random posts!

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