Monday, December 22, 2014


When I was little, all I wanted to do was draw. I would sit for hours and draw the covers of my Disney movies. My Mom bought me every drawing medium you could think of – crayons, charcoal, color pencils, markers, etc. I remember my first set of ‘expensive’ colored pencils. They were from a small art shop downtown and I might as well have won the lottery that day. Much like today, all I wanted to do was create things.

My Mom saw this quality in me and she fed it every chance she got. I was in every art class in school and every art class in summer school. If there was an Art Cart event at a nearby park, we were there. Every gift was an art supply. I could sit for hours and paint, draw, sculpt, cut, and paste.

The trend continued into high school. I remember going into the art studio as soon as I got done eating lunch. I would spend the remainder of my lunch period gluing tiny pieces of glass onto a wooden frame to make a mosaic mirror or making glass beads with a blowtorch. One day my Mom came home from work with an application in her hand for the local Dairy Queen. She had seen in the newspaper that they were hiring a cake decorator. She knew if was the perfect job for me. I filled it out, got the job, and spent the remainder of my high school years decorating cakes at not only the Dairy Queen, but the Piggly Wiggly as well. (Yes, the big time in cake decorating, I know! ;)

When it came time to discuss college, it was never a question. I was going and I was going for art. I don’t even remember trying to make this decision. It was like everyone, including myself, knew all along that this was the direction I was taking. I didn’t realize how lucky I was to simply KNOW what I wanted to do with my life until I saw the many college students around me struggling to figure out what they wanted to do with their lives, starting with their generals and hoping to figure it out by the time they finished their first two years.

So here I am, an adult. Like most of the world, I spend about 1/3 of my life working. According to only 30% of Americans actually like their jobs. So, I guess what I am trying to say is, THANK YOU, MOM - for making me one of the 30%. Thank you for noticing my passion and nurturing it. Thank you for guiding me into a career I love. I only hope to notice my own children’s passions and nurture them in the same way.

As parents, we all know feeding our children's passions in not always cheap, so I have teamed up with Consumer Crafts to give away a $100 gift card to! Consumer Crafts is my go-to online craft store with everything you could want or need at the best prices. 

Comment on this post either 
- what your child's current favorite activity or interest is or - what you would use the gift card to buy 
to enter the giveaway and unlock other ways to enter!


  1. My daughter loves to do crafts of any sort, she currently loves to sew and draw.

  2. my son enjoys running my cutter machine for me so I think id buy embossing folders and dies.

  3. I love consumer crafts. I would try to figure out how to get something for all the grandkids.

  4. I would use this to buy drawing supplies for my 10 year old grandson. He would much rather sit and draw what he sees in life and has a very extensive portfolio of his drawings. We all know that he is going to go to an art college when he is old enough because that is his life. I never resist an opportunity to get him more art supplies to feed his passion for it. When we moved into our house and I got my own Craft Room he was in awe. The first time he walked in and saw it all set up he actually cried. We thought he was upset but in reality, he was so overwhelmed that all of the mediums he loves and more were in there. He would love to have $100 to be able to spend on whatever craft supplies his little heart desires and I would love to give him that gift. Thank you!

  5. My daughter has a giant easel where she loves to color and draw! She never stays inside the lines, but thats ok, I know she has her own ideas of what the picture should look like :)

  6. My kids love TRACTORS and COMBINES!

  7. Wow, wonderful things here! I'd use it to buy supplies (a lot!) to make Steampunk Jewelry! So nice. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!!

  8. This would be for my granddaughter, who loves anything that she can glue stuff onto. She draws and paints, and then adds bits of fabric, buttons, wood, leaves, anything she can find to finish her project.

  9. Favorite activity is making videos, she wants to try and make melted crayon projects

  10. My daughter loves to draw and read.

  11. We are a rather crafty family. Among us we do card making, altered books, clay art, jewelry making and much more. I don't thin a single thing gets thrown out in this family without us wondering what we can make out of it. LOL

    1. I love that you find a use for everything! So green and resourceful! :) I am also like that!

  12. My children love painting.
    Shelia S

  13. My daughter loves to make her own jewelry and to draw.. She is pretty talented at both

  14. she loves to color and draw
    flyergal82 AT (yahoo) /dot $com

  15. My son just got into drawing and it's been great to see him blossom!

  16. My girls are a little bit older. My youngest isn't really into crafts, she would rather read ;) But my oldest likes knitting....she just started arm knitting & made several scarves for gifts, candle making & making jewelry.

  17. My daughter loves ballet.

  18. My grandson is autistic, so finger painting is the favorite.

  19. My kids have always loved drawing, paper crafts, dancing, computers, swimming, and creating just about anything.

  20. She loves to draw and paint. Also just started getting into pottery.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I thought I posted, but I don't see it :P Charlotte is currently really into playdoh and sculpting, doing things with her hands. I'd love to stock up on supplies for her.

  23. Hmm tried to comment but think it got lost. Stella isn't crafty YET, but she has two creative parents, so we're going to nurture that when the time comes. I love the color-in wooden toys on the Consumer Crafts site! They even have monster ones :)

  24. Since I don't have any kids yet. I would probably buy some paints and canvas for myself and maybe a few things to do some projects with my little nieces.

  25. I would use this Gift Card To buy supplies for Shake Rag Alleys Children's art programs in Mineral Point Wisconsin. I have helped teach a few classes there and am also on the board of Directors for this non profit center for arts. It is Amazing what Children can create when given the right supplies and tools here are some pictures of what great creativity can happen.


  26. Drawing and Coloring are the favorites right now.

  27. My son enjoys all kinds of crafts. He esp loves to paint!

  28. She likes playing electronic games.

  29. My son loves to stack blocks and knock them over

  30. My son loves to draw and build with legos. I live to crochet and it would be fun to make hats to donate for newborns at hospitals

  31. My children love to draw and make crafts from whatever materials they can find. They would love new supplies!
    Mrsbrockavich48 (at) gmail (dot)com

  32. My daughter loves to do all kinds of crafts! From making jewelry to coloring to drawing to painting! everything crafty she loves to do it!

  33. My son loves building thing and playing outside!


  34. My son's favorite activity is painting. He's been taking art classes since he was two and it has really helped him to develop his talent and love of art.

  35. I would probably use this gift card to get some needlepoint supplies, since that is one thing I've never tried and hope to learn in 2015.

  36. Her favorite activity is playing with dolls.

  37. My daughter loves painting and playing with her brother.

  38. These are all so fun to read! I love hearing all the ways you would use the gift card and all the fun things your kiddos enjoy doing! Thanks for entering!

  39. My grandbabies can't get enough when it comes to painting,drawing,so that's what I would get them,thanks

  40. My crafting has saved my life, being creative, and making things has helped me to overcome my depression and stop taking the 10 antidepressants that I thought I couldn't exist without ever. Consumer Crafts is an amazing company, high quality products, and amazing prices. Being on a fixed income makes it hard to afford supplies. Consumer Crafts makes it possible for me to feel special, important and anxiety free, medication free, and blessed to be so talented. I use my skills to help teach children of low income households crafts and Consumer Crafts makes it possible to buy the supplies to do so. THANK YOU for making this possible!!!!

  41. Spectrum noir and embossing folder organizer. Thanks for the chance to win.

  42. My daughter loves to sew and draw.

  43. I was that kinda of Mom too! Now, with my grands, I do the same! I nurture their loves of art, music and fashion. I have always had a large tube of craft supplies. But now, I am retired and funds are hard to put aside. What a Grand Give a Way!

  44. My 7 year old daughter loves anything to do with cats! I am allergic to real cats so she collects tons of stuffed animal cats that she makes clothes and collars for. She also makes scrapbooks (of her life, not just cats, lol!) She would like to be a vet and an author/illustrator when she grows up.

  45. I don't have any kids but I would use the gift card to purchase supplies when I help my nieces and nephews work on school projects.

  46. There are lots of things I "need"!!!!

  47. I don't have kids but I would get supplies to make cards for others who need encouragement and a lift me up in life.

  48. Need supplies for my craft projects/fundraisers for Relay For Life.

  49. I would use the gift card to purchase jewelry making supplies.

  50. I would buy supplies for my paper rafting addiction! Thanks for the chance!

  51. I would buy supplies for the art teacher in my school!

  52. I would use the gift card to replace the spectrum noir pens my granddaughter "borrowed" from me. She loves art and uses different mediums. Her work was recently exhibited at a local art walk in our city.

  53. I don't have a child, but my dog really likes to play with socks. :)

  54. I am a Senior Caregiver and my office is setting up an Activity Center for our elderly clients. I would use this to buy supplies for the center! We really need them and haven't gotten many donations yet. This would help so much!!!

  55. I would buy supply for the children I sit for

  56. As a mom of seven I would purchase anything that helps spark my creativity. Because my kids love painting, making cards and helping me with lay outs now they want to get me into project life like my life isn't already a project Lol!!

  57. My seven year old loves drawing illustrations for her books and my four year old just wants to paint. Would love t get then some new supplies.

  58. My children are grown but my grandchildren love to craft and make many various things. My granddaughters new favorite is using my cuttlebug. It took some coaxing to get her to try it but once she did she spent hours embossing many pieces of paper. She was having so much fun she told me the next time I go to their house I need to bring the cuttlebug and some folders. I truly enjoy having something fun and creative to do with my grandchildren, making memories :)

  59. I don't have any children, but my sister's children are all truly talented in drawing. They are in their teens and they got their ability from their father. My niece has gotten several major awards for her charcoal and pencil etchings. When I give her gifts, I always try to give her gift cards to hobby stores so she can purchase supplies for herself. I believe she wants to continue to be an artist in some fashion.

  60. I would buy supplies for when the grandchildren come over. They go thru a lot of supplies when their here.with 14 of them six and under they sure have fun. I would also slip a little in there for me!

  61. My children are all grown with families of their own, however my middle daughter got the papercrafting bug from me and she makes beautiful projects...much better than me. She loves dies and I think I would surprise her with the gift certificate if I were lucky enough t win.

  62. Our new favorite thing is painting. We paint on canvases, wooden boxes, and shirts.

  63. My daughter teaches 4th grade I would give it to her for classroom art supplies!!!!

  64. My likes any and everything arts. He draws, builds, sews, takes piano lessons, and dances. He just danced in his first Nutcracker and competes in other styles with his dance studio. He's only 9 but he's developing lifelong skills and they're all his choice. I am the support (emotional, financial, spiritual, etc).

  65. My grandson is interested in weaving, I would buy him a round loom as mine is a struggle to get the shuttle across for him. He loves yarn.

  66. My kids are very interested in my crafty stuff, they often ask me for die cuts for their school projects. Would love to use a gift card to buy some paper for their die cuts! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  67. my son really enjoys making ornaments for our christmas tree every year.

  68. My daughter like all kinds of crafts. Right now, she's into fashion design and making her own clothing.

  69. anything with glitter!! haha

  70. Grand kids ages 4, 8, & 9 love to sew, paint & sculpt clay! They use up a lot of craft supplies! I would let them pick out supplies they would like to order!

  71. My son loves anything that involves letters or numbers

  72. My sons like building with legos
